Salomon will be happy to assist you with all your buying needs. If you are looking for a specific type of vehicle you can let him know and he will do his best to find what you are looking for.
Maria is our front desk manager. If you need to make a payment, or have any questions, she will be happy to assist you. Maria also makes sure that your insurance is up-to-date and that you have full coverage insurance for your benefit and ours. She will also direct your call to the corresponding department here at LR Auto Sales.
Maria es nuestra encargadora de recepción. Si necesita hacer un pago o tiene preguntas ella estará encantada de ayudarle. Maria también se asegura que su aseguranza está actualizada y que tiene aseguranza de "full coverage" para el beneficio suyo y nuestro. Ella también dirigirá su llamada al departamento correspondiente aquí en LR Auto Sales.
Contact Maria Garcia
Marie Fogo Sales
Debbie Thompson Customer Service
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